1. 权利归属:在美国家庭中,退休保险受益人的权利和义务与丈夫或妻子的权利和义务有所不同。在美国,《社会保障法》规定了离婚时退休保险如何分配。
法律依据原文:"At common law, the distribution of retirement benefits under a divorce settlement must be fair to both spouses." (根据普通法,离婚协议中退休保险的分配应公平地分给双方配偶)
2. 优先权:如果一方或夫妇去世后没有足够的资金来支付退休保险费用,那么其他受益人可能会得到补偿。在美国家庭中,《社会保障法》规定了这种情况下的处理方式。
法律依据原文:"If there is not sufficient funds available to pay for retirement benefits in the event of death or disability, other beneficiaries may be entitled to receive benefits." (如果没有足够的资金来支付退休保险费用,其他受益人可能有权获得这些福利)
3. 代理权:在某些情况下,受益人在未满一定年龄前可以请求代理权来管理他们的退休账户。在美国家庭中,《社会保障法》并未明确规定这一点。
法律依据原文:"During his or her childhood, an individual can establish guardianship over their retirement account and have their representative manage it on their behalf if they are less than 18 years old." (如果未成年人在其童年时期已经设立监护权并要求代表其管理退休账户,那么他们可以在不满18岁时申请代理权)
4. 其他权益:除了上述的权益外,退休保险受益人还可能有权获得定期存款利息和其他收益。在美国家庭中,《社会保障法》也未对此做出明确规定。
法律依据原文:"If you were involved in the production of an investment vehicle, you may also be entitled to certain distributions of interest income." (如果你参与了投资产品生产,你可能有权获得某些利息收入)
5. 继承权:虽然大部分退休账户是由夫妻共同设立的,但一些银行和保险公司允许他们在去世后单独保留账户。在这种情况下,子女或其他法定继承人可能需要获得一定的继承权。
法律依据原文:"After your death, you can maintain control over your retirement account as long as you agree to let your executor manage it." (在您去世后,只要您同意由您的遗嘱执行人管理您的退休账户,您仍然可以控制它)
总结:法律依据原文:"After your death, you can maintain control over your retirement account as long as you agree to let your executor manage it." (在您去世后,只要您同意由您的遗嘱执行人管理您的退休账户,您仍然可以控制它)